Apparently in the 2010 Spaniards they have regained consciousness of the importance of its right to the forgetfulness, which has been reflected in an increase approximated of 56% in the claims before the Spanish Agency of Protection of Data. The Spaniards begin to see the problem, since introducing any complete name in a finder could be with information of sanctions, independent of their antiquity, buy intelligent moving bodies that send data of their location and activities without having knowledge of it, sail by pages that send cookies to him that later compile and trasfiere information of its movements by the network and all this vulnerability of our privacy we are ourselves forced to denounce. Luckily, the AEPD in the 2010 solved more of a hundred of cases, being the finders generally the most demanded. It is the most denounced especially Google and that has resorted since it is not considered person in charge than reproduces his finder. In two special cases the AEPD goes to the finder since if the personal information comes from a Government reporter, it has the obligation to inform and therefore it is not possible to be protested to him. And in case it appeared the old news in a newspaper, to means can only be recommended to him that they eliminate the past and detrimental information. Artemi Rallo, director of the agency, indicated that all these irrigations would have to be very present in the institutions and companies since, once solved the claims and if they fail in favor of the users, they would suppose the increase of his denunciations. The social networks according to Rallo do not have the intention to consider the right to the forgetfulness of the users nor to protect their information.
Clear example is that in the 2010 AEDP it had to act against Facebook by the personal data transfer to advertisers and companies. Also MySpace and other networks by the same reason were demanded. Sony (PlayStation Network) also has been in the front sight, to in line undergo a intrusion in its network of game, where 330,000 Spaniards could have seen harmed. We really can say that the Spanish citizens we did not begin to pose more doubts and to think more about our rights like users and to solicit that some organization protects our data. And proof of it is the increase of 8.2% in the consultations of the service of Attention in the Citizen.